First and foremost, it is our group of people that sets us apart from the competition. Quality human beings who truly care about each other and happen to also be very good at listing and selling real estate. This spirit is evident in our office support staff and in all of our Agents, regardless of their level of production. This environment carries over and is also evident in how we service our clients and customers, and in how we deal with cooperating Realtors.
Solid brokerage advice and counseling from experienced Brokers with proven track records as successful producers, our Brokers understand and know current market values and how to practice successfully in a changing market. We are always available for questions and counsel.
No up front (monthly) desk fees, marketing fees, or other mandatory company agent sponsored advertising programs. Our agents take the money other companies require for monthly fees and invest into to their own real estate practice.
No seller transaction fees – we don’t put you in the position of having to justify a fee that doesn’t make sense, we justify our full-service commission rate based on terrific service and a transparent commission rate that is out front and understood by our clients and agents.
Attractive commission splits for new, and experienced, realtors.
Special permanent commission splits for experienced agents with proven track records. (You won’t have to start over each year at a lower commission rate). See Jim Loss for commission splits.
In-House “New Agent” Training Program with our Brokers, Jim Loss & Tom Beehner in conjunction with the “Up and Running in 30 Days” Program, to help jumpstart your real estate practice – this is a program that has worked successfully for new, and experienced, agents.
Dot Loop – As a brokerage, we subsidize the cost of the on-line digital document signature platform for our agents. We have all of the necessary transaction forms on dot loop with our logo and in an interactive format.
Professional closing administrator and financial services person to process your transactions, prepare your closing documents (escrow checks, etc.) and disburse your commission checks after closings in a timely manner. Financial reports are also provided with agent production. Our closing administrator maintains complete company files for each transaction (listing and selling).
Floor Time / Agent-On-Call opportunities available for all agents (new and experienced). We have a terrific varied listing inventory creates steady incoming leads to the agents on call. We have invested heavily in Realtor.Com’s lead generation program and these leads are provided to our agents on call.
Networked phone system with voice mail (any incoming calls to the office are dispatched directly to your cell phone).
MLS Coordinator to process and enter your listings into the MLS system, uploading all photos and making the necessary ongoing changes and corrections that occur, typically within one business day.
Regular emails and communicate from the Broker with the most recent developments in the real estate industry and real estate market updates.
Notary services available for you and your clients and customers.
Periodic company meetings on topics relevant to the practice of real estate, plus ongoing real estate market information and advice from the Broker, Jim Loss.
Office work stations and conference rooms. Even though many agents work primarily from their home, you will still have a voice mail box in our phone system, the use of our company computers, printers, fax and scanners, and a professional office to conduct business, meet with clients, and conduct closings.
Free high speed internet connection within the office (Wireless Connection).
Professional company website (
Initial order of 1,000 business cards.
All transaction related forms provided, which include contracts, letterhead, addenda, envelopes, state required forms, and numerous other necessary forms pursuant to practicing real estate.
Yard signs (panels) with our agent’s name and phone number at top of the sign. We provide the frames and panels for our agents. Agents are billed for any special sign riders (but we handle all orders with our sign vendor and the cost is placed on the agent’s internal company bill).
We install and take down the yard signs for all of our agents’ listings (if requested at the time a property is listed or when it closes).
Marketing Coordinator for Agent social media support, custom marketing pieces for Agent listings, and no cost imputing of listing information into the MLS for our Agents.
Personalized corner signs available at affordable cost to our agents.
A-Frame open house corner signs provided to our agents for open house promotion and advertising.
Company investment in a professional physical office with Wi-Fi and Agent work stations, and 2 private conference rooms for our agents and their clients.
Prepared listing packets and home buying checklists which include all of the required forms.
We insert your “Open House” on the LRG web site and TBR website each week (which automatically populates to Zillow, Trulia, and This open house listing will also automatically go to all area cooperating brokers’ websites.
Postage paid for business correspondence.
Photocopies provided.
Professional closing folders available a low agent cost for your client’s important closing documents.
We will help you with incoming and outgoing referrals.
Prepayment of annual Errors and Omissions Insurance premium, allowing our agents to enjoy low E&O transaction costs. E&O expense is billed to the agent per closing.
Company (Brokerage) paid TBR and MLS fees and dues, and MCAR and MLS fees and dues.
Our in-house auctioneers, Beth Rose and Sara Rose are one of the market leaders in Northwestern Ohio and Southeastern Michigan. They possess the best auction inventory for your buyers, and they pay a very competitive referral fee to our Realtors who refer buyers and sellers/listings to them. Having this unique marketing/sales tool can differentiate you from your competitors.
Loss Realty Group has one of the strongest inventories of properties for investors with many corporate and lender owned listings. These listings create leads for our agents in a variety of market cycles, making our floor time even more valuable.
Establishment of Loss Realty Group Referral Company, Ltd. for placement of licenses for inactive Realtors. We will hold these licenses for $75.00 per year, and the Referral Company agents can earn referral fees by referring buyers and sellers to active LRG agents.
Note: Our company model is designed to provide Agents with very attractive commission splits and very low operating expenses. The services and support provided by our company to our agents saves the agents thousands of dollars a year in expenses. Our strong support system allows our agents to spend less time on administrative duties and more time working directly with their clients.